The opportunities - Sheet metal › Saw / Band saw
Saw / Band saw

Band Saw ULTRA TR300

Band Saw ULTRA TR300 1
Band Saw ULTRA TR300 2
Band Saw ULTRA TR300 3
Band Saw ULTRA TR300 4
Type TR 300
Cutting Capabilities :
Round profile 255mm
Rectangular profile 300 x 190mm
square profile 220 x 220mm
Miter Cuts : 0 to 60 °
Main Engine Power : 1.5 kW
Cutting speeds : 35 et 70 m/min
Dimensions ruban : 3010 x 25 x 0.9 mm
Dimensions : 1700 x 1500 x 850 mm
Weight : 500 kg
Band Saw ULTRA TR300
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